Monthly Archives: October 2024

William and Teresa Fight in Court for Custody of Doberman Pinscher “King”

Court Decides in Whose Custody the Pet’s Best Interests Would Be Served  

Pursuant to DRL §236(B)(5)(15), in awarding possession of a companion animal in a divorce action the court should consider the best interest of the animal. On April 18, 2023 a hearing was held to determine custody of the parties’ dog, King. Custody was sought by both William Conte and Teresa Conte.

The parties to the divorce action had been living apart since July 17, 2022 when William was directed to vacate the marital residence pursuant to an order of protection in favor of Teresa. At that time, the parties had two dogs: King and Ruby, a miniature Pinscher.

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S&G Sues NYEG to Enforce Written $3.39m Agreement to Sell 9.29 Acres in North Hempstead

Was Alleged Oral Modification of Contract of Sale Barred By the Statue of Frauds?

By written contract dated December 10, 2008, Alan Gestetner agreed to purchase and New York Golf Enterprises, Inc. agreed to sell 9.29 acres of property located in New Hempstead for the purchase price of $3,460,000. At the time the contract was entered into, the 9.29 acres were part of an undivided tax lot totaling approximately 160 acres on which NYGE operated a golf course. The contract called for the payment of $250,000 upon signing and an additional down payment of $750,000 due upon subdivision approval. It was undisputed that Gestetner did not tender payment of either the initial $250,000 down payment or the additional $750,000 down payment. It was also undisputed that on December 15, 2008, and again on December 19, 2008, nonparty Cheon Cho, who executed the contract as the president of NYGE, accepted two payments from Gestetner, each in the amount of $25,000.

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Brother Seeks Possession of Apartment 15 at 42 Bank Street From Sister

Were Defenses of Life Estate and Constructive Trust Barred As A Matter of Law?

Kenneth Rosenblum brought a license holdover proceeding against Diana Treitler and Bruce Treitler seeking possession of apartment 15 at 42 Bank Street. The Treitlers answered and asserted several affirmative defenses.

The third affirmative defense:

That Respondent Diana Treitler who is the sister of the Petitioner has been granted the equivalent of a Life Estate to occupy the subject premises by the Petitioner who promised her the apartment for as long as she wanted. Said Life Estate was granted in or about 2011 and the Respondent has been in possession of the subject apartment since said date. Respondent Diana Treitler has unequivocally relied upon the representation of Petitioner who said that he was giving the subject apartment to said Respondent for as long as she wanted. Respondent in reliance has taken possession of the subject apartment and made improvements thereto. Thus, pursuant to Promissory Estoppel and detrimental reliance, the Petitioner is estopped from denying Respondent’s right of possession to the subject apartment.

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Sibling Transfers Title to Brother’s Brooklyn Properties Under Power of Attorney

Were Two Real Estate  Deeds Authorized/Prohibited Under the POA?

In October 2016, Mustafa Choudari executed a deed purporting to convey title to property located at 1474 Broadway in Brooklyn from Mohammad Choudari, his brother, to Mohammad and Mustafa, jointly. In February 2017, Mohammad commenced an action, pursuant to RPAPL article 15 against Mustafa to quiet title to that property, alleging that Mustafa forged his name on the October 2016 deed.

In March 2017, Mustafa executed a second deed purporting to convey title to property located at 1472 Broadway in Brooklyn from Mohammad to Mohammad and Mustafa, jointly. In June 2017, Mohammad commenced another action to quiet title to that second property, alleging that the March 2017 deed was also forged. Mustafa asserted counterclaims, alleging, in effect, that the properties were purchased as part of a joint venture agreement between the brothers. The actions were subsequently consolidated.

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Tenant Sues Landlord After Assault By Estranged Partner’s Cousin

Did Intervening /Superceding  Acts Trump Breach Of Security Claim?

Michael Weiss, a psychiatrist, was conducting a patient session in his home office when Jacob Nolan, the cousin of his estranged former partner, barged unannounced into the office. Nolan was carrying a large black duffel bag and demanded that Weiss give him certain financial documents required for the child shared by Weiss and the former partner.  (Weiss and the former partner had an acrimonious relationship, with charges of abuse and assault, followed by a bitter custody dispute.)

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